Glowing Ice Cream Stunts

Bompas & Par Create Glow-in-the-Dark Ice Cream for Cornetto

Bompas & Par were responsible for this ice cream for Cornetto stunt in London, making everyone's mouth and sometimes face light up when the main lights were dimmed.

Before going into the theater, people were given Cornettos to enjoy while taking in the film. Upon getting into the movie theater, most individuals started to happily munch away on their treat, only to soon find out that their mouth was glowing just as much as the person beside them. All reactions were captured on camera, and a few near misses when people went to lift the desert to their face (which is far more obvious when eating glow in the dark ice cream).

Bompas & Par successfully drew publicity to the company with this stunt. Photo Credits: designboom, bompasandparr
Trend Themes
1. Glow-in-the-dark Food - There is a growing trend of creating glow-in-the-dark food items, such as ice cream, which captivate consumers with their unique visual appeal.
2. Experiential Marketing - Companies are utilizing interactive and memorable stunts, like the glowing ice cream created by Bompas & Par, to generate publicity and engage with consumers in new ways.
3. Social Media Virality - Innovative food concepts, like glow-in-the-dark ice cream, have the potential to go viral on social media platforms, increasing brand visibility and driving consumer interest.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can leverage the trend of glow-in-the-dark food to attract consumers seeking unique and visually captivating experiences.
2. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can explore experiential marketing techniques, such as creating interactive stunts, to help their clients generate buzz and stand out from competitors.
3. Social Media and Influencer Marketing - Social media platforms and influencers can play a significant role in amplifying the reach and impact of viral food trends, thereby offering opportunities for collaborations and sponsorships.

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