Cat-Stalking Maps

'I Know Where Your Cat Lives' Maps the Locations of Cat Photos Online

'I Know Where Your Cat Lives' is a project that takes the metadata from photos of cats that are uploaded online and pinpoints these locations on a map. There are over 15 million images tagged with the word "cat" online, and this project brings some humor to the spread of felines on the web.

A visit to the site will take you to a Google Map, which shows all of the locations where cats have had their photos taken. You can either find a cat at random, or browse to see which neighborhoods are the most cat-crazed. With all of this data, the site also puts together charts and graphs showing which countries are the most guilty of sharing the most cat photos. The project is now on Kickstarter to further its development.
Trend Themes
1. Cat Photo Mapping - The trend of pinpointing the locations of cat photos on a map can be used for targeted marketing of pet products and services.
2. Metadata Analysis - Metadata analysis of user-generated content can provide valuable insights for social media platforms and advertisers.
3. Visual Data Visualization - The trend of using visually appealing data visualization techniques can enhance user engagement and make data more accessible and understandable.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Industry - The pet industry can utilize cat photo mapping to target their marketing efforts and improve their products and services.
2. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms can use metadata analysis to improve their algorithm and provide better recommendations to their users.
3. Advertising Industry - The advertising industry can benefit from metadata analysis to provide more targeted and effective ads to their target audience.

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