Iris-Verified Online Security

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Hoyos Group EyeLock Will See that You Never Get Hacked Again

As much as alphanumeric passwords keep your private accounts a mostly protected, the Hoyos Group EyeLock can guarantee that you'll never again have you online identity compromised again.

The hi-tech device that this biometrics company has patented will soon be available to the broader public, allowing users to register their various accounts with their own personal gadget.

Internet banking, online auctions, social networking and social media websites are some of the areas where the most security is needed. Plenty of people keep personal information within their email inboxes, and there are countless other websites that may have your credit card number from past purchases.

When you log into any of these pages, you use the Hoyos Group EyeLock to scan your eyeball. If the accurate reading is undoubtedly you, the screen will generate and send you a unique code which will grant you access to the site only once when input in the PIN field.

Photo Credits: CNN Money
Trend Themes
1. Biometric Online Security - The Hoyos Group EyeLock's iris verification technology provides a disruptive innovation opportunity in online security by offering a more secure and convenient method for users to protect their accounts.
2. Personal Gadget Authentication - The Hoyos Group EyeLock's device allows users to register and authenticate their various online accounts using their personal gadget, presenting a disruptive innovation opportunity for the authentication industry.
3. Enhanced User Authentication - The use of iris scanning technology in the Hoyos Group EyeLock offers a disruptive innovation opportunity to strengthen user authentication across industries, such as internet banking, online auctions, and social networking.
Industry Implications
1. Biometrics - The Hoyos Group EyeLock's iris verification technology has disruptive innovation potential in the biometric industry, offering enhanced security features for various applications.
2. Authentication - The Hoyos Group EyeLock's personal gadget authentication device presents a disruptive innovation opportunity in the authentication industry by providing a seamless and secure way for users to access online accounts.
3. Security - The Hoyos Group EyeLock's iris verification technology opens a disruptive innovation opportunity in the security industry, enabling stronger user authentication and protecting personal information across various platforms.

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