Virtual Prom Parties

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#HousepartyProm Gives Teens a Chance to Celebrate with Friends Safely

With lockdowns curbing prom festivities, Houseparty, the face-to-face social networking app that's seen a surge in popularity around the world since the events surrounding COVID-19, has announced that it will host #HousepartyProm on May 7th at 8 p.m. ET.

The virtual party will be completely free, and attendees can look forward to seeing sets from DJ D-Nice and Zack Bia. Users can pull the sets into their private parties and dance along with one another, with the shared video calls able to include up to eight friends. For the special occasion, users are encouraged to pick a theme and dress up in their best prom attire. Through the app, they'll be able to capture group shots of themselves celebrating.

Although the #HousepartyProm was created for teens and tweens who are missing out on their graduation celebrations, users of all ages will be able to feature the sets in their calls and listen in.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Prom Parties - New trend of virtual prom parties using video conferencing technology to celebrate safely during lockdowns.
2. Social Networking Apps - Increased use of social networking apps for virtual celebrations and events during COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Remote Entertainment - Growing trend of remote entertainment and live streamed events to accommodate social distancing measures.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - Opportunities for event planners and entertainment companies to offer virtual party planning services for clients.
2. Video Conferencing - Video conferencing technology companies have the opportunity to develop specialized features for virtual prom parties and other social events.
3. Fashion and Apparel - Potential for fashion and apparel companies to market and sell virtual prom attire for those participating in virtual prom parties.

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