Ancient Chinese Laptop Ads

‘House of Flying Laptops’ is an Ad Campaign for the Ultrabo

To kick it up a notch in the world of tech advertising, Intel promotes its Ultrabook laptop with a campaign entitled ‘House of Flying Laptops.’ The sun rises in the East in this Daniel Kleinman-directed ad that shows two ancient-style Chinese female fighters battling for an outlet to plug in their massive relic ‘lapboxes.’ It’s like a scene from The Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, only this time, swords are replaced with laptops.

This Intel campaign cleverly uses brilliant advertisement tactics to make its product seem advanced while making everything else seem archaic. Although Intel products may not be the most popular compared to Apple products, the company sure does know how to sway away from that stigma to showcase its newest product. The House of Flying Laptops is a comical campaign ad that proves Intel to be effective and witty when it comes to advertising.
Trend Themes
1. Advanced Tech Advertising - The 'House of Flying Laptops' campaign showcases a clever way to make a product seem advanced through contrasting it with archaic elements.
2. Comical Campaign Ads - Intel's ad demonstrates the effectiveness and wit of using humor in advertising to promote their newest product.
3. Creative Brand Differentiation - Intel's tactic of showcasing their Ultrabook laptop as an alternative to popular Apple products sets them apart and allows for disruptive innovation in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Tech Advertising - The 'House of Flying Laptops' campaign in the technology industry showcases innovative and creative approaches to capturing consumer attention.
2. Consumer Electronics - Intel's ad presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the consumer electronics industry by highlighting a unique selling point for their Ultrabook laptop.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The 'House of Flying Laptops' campaign demonstrates how creative and comical advertising strategies can be effective in capturing market attention and driving product sales.

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