Online Wizard Academies

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Enroll in the Same Classes as Harry Potter Through 'Hogwarts is Here'

If you're a big Harry Potter fan and you've already decided which house you'd like the Sorting Hat to put you in, enrolling in the online classes offered by 'Hogwarts is Here,' will give you a better taste of what it's like to be a witch or wizard.

Hogwarts is Here is a web-based fan-created academy, which brings the iconic magic school into the 21st century and saves you the trouble of having to travel through train stations, crazy flying cars or ill-tempered mythical creatures to experience it all.

To take your first steps away from the muggle world, the academy requires that you virtually shop for the required school supplies and open a Gringotts bank account before enrolling in classes like Charms, Astronomy, Potions and the infamous Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Trend Themes
1. Online Wizard Academies - There is a growing trend of online platforms offering virtual wizard academies, allowing fans to immerse themselves in the Harry Potter world.
2. Web-based Fan-created Academies - Fan-created academies like 'Hogwarts is Here' bring iconic fictional schools into the digital age, expanding opportunities for fan engagement and education.
3. Virtual Learning for Fan Communities - The availability of virtual classes and courses catered to fan communities provides a unique opportunity for fans to connect and learn together in an immersive environment.
Industry Implications
1. E-learning - The e-learning industry can explore partnerships with fan communities and develop specialized online courses to cater to niche interests and engage a dedicated audience.
2. Entertainment Merchandising - Companies in the entertainment merchandising industry can collaborate with fan-created academies to create and sell exclusive school supplies and branded merchandise.
3. Virtual Reality (VR) - The VR industry can leverage fan-created academies to create immersive virtual experiences that bring fictional worlds to life, allowing users to interact with their favorite characters and environments.

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