Romantic Electricity-Themed Memes

GE's Hey Girl Memes Depict a Love-Lorne Thomas Edison

General Electric's new take on the original Ryan Gosling 'Hey Girl' memes features Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb. This cheesy and dorky twist depicts Edison as a romantic with multiple science themed pick up lines. GE posted these images on Pinterest.

The board title reads 'Hey Girl: Thomas Edison has a crush on you.' This comedic interpretation of the Hey Girl memes is an interesting way to get a younger generation involved with the General Electric brand. The American multinational conglomerate corporation funded the famous inventor's work and merged with others in 1889 to create brand we are familiar with today.

Some of the memes, which are a way to carry cultural ideas through imitable phenomena, show pictures while others are merely phrases.
Trend Themes
1. Electricity-themed Memes - The rise of interest in science communication memes and perceived brand loyalty captured through social media marketing.
2. Comedic Brand Marketing - Humorous advertising campaigns used to build brand awareness and attraction through social media channels.
3. Innovative Social Media Engagement - Creative and unique strategies to increase engagement with younger demographics through messaging and content delivery.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Promotion of consumer electronics using innovative and engaging social media campaigns.
2. Marketing and Advertising - The evolving landscape of modern advertising on social media platforms.
3. Entertainment - The intersection of humor and technology in the new world of social media entertainment.

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