Make-Shift Urban Shrines

Fallen Hells Angels Memorial

A tribute to a Hells Angels leader, Mark "Papa" Guardado, has been created, mere hours after his death in San Francisco.

As a tribute to the Hells Angels leader who was shot, mourners created a make-shift urban alter, as seen in the gallery.

It’s quite a neat idea; where else can the public mourn fallen members of the Hells Angels?

Have a click through the gallery to see different attributes of the pop-up, over-night shrine honoring the late head of SF’s Hells Angels.
Trend Themes
1. Make-shift Urban Shrines - The trend of creating makeshift urban shrines in public areas as a way to mourn lost loved ones, heroes or public figures.
2. Community Building Memorials - The trend of creating memorials in public areas as a way to bring communities together for shared mourning and remembrance.
3. Urban Commemorative Installations - The trend of creating unique and personalized urban installations in public spaces as a way to celebrate or remember individuals or events.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning & Management - Innovative event planning and management services that cater to the unique needs of urban memorial installations.
2. Public Art & Design - Opportunities in public art and design to create meaningful and impactful installations that serve as commemorative urban spaces.
3. Funeral & Memorial Services - Innovative funeral and memorial services that incorporate pop-up urban shrines and community building installations.

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