Head Wrap Menswear

Swedish Label Blank Covers up With Earthy Ease

Balancing the ideas of relaxation and protection, design label Blank has created a line of menswear that featured easy tailored suits alongside white and black face-covering head wraps.

The combination of head wraps and stylish suits are an interesting contradiction of modest covering and style sense. Tailoring and extreme relaxed head wraps make for a collection definitely worth taking a look at.

Implications - With the fast-paced lifestyles that consumers lead nowadays, fashions that focuses on comfort is making waves in the market. Fashions like these allow the consumer to feel relaxed and comfortable while also appearing classy and presentable for formal functions. Fashion designers should embrace comfort while still maintaining their standard for style to cater to this busy demographic.
Trend Themes
1. Comfort-style Fashion - Designers should embrace comfort while maintaining style to cater to busy consumers seeking comfort-focused fashion.
2. Modest Fashion - The combination of head wraps and stylish suits presents an interesting contradiction of modest covering and stylish sensibility.
3. Relaxed Tailoring - Blank's collection of easy tailored suits embodies the trend towards more relaxed and comfortable tailoring in menswear.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion designers should embrace comfort and modesty while still maintaining stylish sensibility to cater to busy consumers seeking comfort-focused fashion.
2. Menswear - Blank's collection of easy tailored suits and head wraps presents an interesting contradiction of modest covering and stylish sensibility that could disrupt traditional menswear.
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - The combination of head wraps and stylish suits presents an interesting use case for PPE that emphasizes both protection and style sensibility.

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