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Insect Encouraging Archives

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Hanlon's Éntomo is an Online Archive that Encourages Eating Insec

Dublin graphic designer Lara Hanlon has come up with éntomo, an online insect archive as her final project for her design degree at the Irish Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology. Naming her project after "the practise of eating insects," she has developed a digital archive that encourages people to incorporate insects in their daily diets.

The online archive is available for iPads and online to facilitate easy access to create recipes, research and events to encourage more people to eat insects. "Entomophagy has been part of many world cultures for thousands of years and today in Thailand, South America, and China, bugs are considered a great delicacy," says Hanlon.

The research part of the site includes benefits of eating insects, such as its sustainability and health benefits. The archive also has an online shop where perusers can buy insects like grasshoppers, ants and crickets.

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