Kitty Political Campaigns

Hank for Senate is a Grassroots Movement

The Hank for Senate campaign is the most viral thing to happen to politics since George Bush had a shoe thrown at him by an Iraqi journalist. Hank is a cat who is running for a spot as a Virginia representative in the United States Government.

The campaign is complete with bumper stickers of Hank looking like a bold leader and cheesy slogans like "A Better Virginia-a brighter future." Hank the cat currently has just over 4,000 Facebook fans but that number is sure to skyrocket because people love cats and political satire. While Hank is indeed a true leader who dares to challenge Wall Street and the status quo, many followers are worried how he will fare in debates (because he can’t talk).

Hopefully Barack Obama will take notice of the Hank for Senate campaign and just make Hank the Cat his new Secretary of State.
Trend Themes
1. Pet Political Campaigns - There is an opportunity to use pets, especially cats and dogs as mascots in political campaigns as a way to connect with voters.
2. Viral Political Marketing - Incorporating elements of humor, satire and relatability in political campaigns can increase engagement and public interest, leading to viral social media outreach.
3. Non-human Political Representation - There is an opportunity to explore non-traditional political representation, such as animals, AI or other non-human entities in elected positions in government.
Industry Implications
1. Politics - Political campaigns can use pet mascots to reach out to voters and increase public interest in elections.
2. Marketing - Marketers can use viral marketing and humor to increase social media outreach for political campaigns and create memorable advertisements.
3. Technology - Innovators can research the potential for non-human entities to hold elected office and develop technology or platforms to facilitate non-human political representation.

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