Autonomous Trick-or-Treat Doorbells

Netflix's DIY Halloween Doorbell Permits Nonstop Movie Viewing

To encourage nonstop movie-watching, Netflix created the 'Netflix Halloween Doorbell,' a DIY project that makes it possible to give candy to trick-or-treaters, without getting up from the couch. This invention was created due to the fact that on October 31st, Netflix reports that pause rates spike, as its subscribers stop their movie-watching to go to the door and give out candy.

With the Netflix Halloween Doorbell, homeowners are able to create a battery-powered doorbell with a button and LCD screen, which can be used to display a message like: "Treating myself to Netflix, take your treat." The fun doorbell can even be branded with a Stranger Things faceplate to make it a seamless part of one's Halloween decorations.

As well as being a clever tie-in for the Halloween season, this DIY doorbell device is part of MakeIt by Netflix, which offers a variety of projects that tap into the current popularity of maker culture.
Trend Themes
1. Autonomous Trick-or-treat Doorbells - Netflix's DIY Halloween Doorbell Permits Nonstop Movie Viewing
2. DIY Smart Home Decorations - MakeIt by Netflix offers a variety of projects that tap into the current popularity of maker culture.
3. Simplifying Halloween Celebrations - The Netflix Halloween Doorbell simplifies the experience of giving out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The Netflix Halloween Doorbell helps to encourage nonstop movie-watching and could be a great marketing tool for movie and television streaming services.
2. Smart Home - The DIY doorbell device could be integrated into smart home technologies to simplify the experience of answering the door.
3. Diy/home Improvement - MakeIt by Netflix could expand their offerings to include a wider range of DIY home improvement projects.

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