Pleasurable Posh Prisons

Norway'S Halden Prison Features Art and Flat-Screen TVs in Every Ce

Thanks, Norway. You just one-upped my studio apartment with a prison. Halden Prison is a posh palace for the societal refuse of Norway. And it contains the following items:

Training room; chapel; library; family visiting unit; football/soccer field; a school; sound studio; and $1 million in art (most by Banksy-esque graffiti artist Dolk); private bathroom in every cell; window with view in every cell; and a flat-screen TV in every cell.


To be fair, Halden Prison is more for rehabilitation than punishment (as is the Nor Way… Get it?), but come on! I almost want to go rob someone in Norway just so I can finally get a flat-screen.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Prisons - There is an opportunity in the luxury prison trend to provide better rehabilitative and restorative solutions.
2. Art in Prisons - The trend of incorporating art in prisons creates opportunities for inmate expression and therapeutic outlets.
3. Technology in Prisons - There is an opportunity to utilize technology in prisons to enhance education, skills training, and communication for inmates.
Industry Implications
1. Correctional Facilities - The correctional facility industry can explore providing better living accommodations and rehabilitation programs for inmates.
2. Art and Design - The art and design industry can engage in partnerships with prisons to provide opportunities for artistic expression and create meaningful creative outlets.
3. Technology - The technology industry can develop specialized software and hardware solutions to facilitate inmate education and communication, making prisons more effective and efficient institutions.

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