Contemporary Woven Rugs

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Kasthall Updated its Häggå Icon Rug Collection with New Colorways

The Häggå Icon rug collection by Kasthall was recently revamped to include contemporary colorways. Customers can purchase the classic rugs in new colors and patterns. The company maintained its rugs' iconic woven fabrication to remain true to its roots while bringing a modern touch to the collection.

The Häggå designs consist of small-scale patterns that the brand views as timeless and compatible with any home decor style. Stripe, Dot, and Post are some of the featured rugs in the collection, which boast a lattice-like motif. The new color offerings are informed by nature and the natural shifts in season. A bold color contrast was used to emphasize the rugs' intricate patterns to show off the product's quality and craftsmanship.
Trend Themes
1. Contemporary Colorways - Updating classic products with modern colors can attract new customers while staying true to brand roots.
2. Small-scale Patterns - Brands can highlight the quality of their products with intricate and timeless patterns.
3. Nature-inspired Designs - Incorporating elements of nature in product design can create a connection with environmentally conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Innovative color and pattern choices can revitalize traditional home decor products.
2. Textiles - Brands can showcase their craftsmanship with intricate woven designs on fabrics and rugs.
3. Sustainable Design - Designers can incorporate elements of nature in their creations to appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

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