Computer Whiz Wastelands

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Tech Skills Go to Waste in 'Guitar Hero'-Playing Robots

If an individual is gifted with a technological mind and serious mathematical skill, they should really use it to better the world. Making 'Guitar Hero'-playing robots does not fall in the ‘bettering the world’ category.

But that’s what students Chee Lor and Mike Teigen did. Think of the computational know-how that went into this. No, don’t, it’s too depressing. The students didn’t even take the time to make a robot that could play an *actual* guitar. 'Guitar Hero'-playing robots may be a sign of the end times.
Trend Themes
1. Technological Mind Wasted - Individuals gifted with a technological mind and serious mathematical skill should use it for better purposes rather than just creating Guitar Hero-playing robots.
2. Lack of Innovation - Creating robots that can only play video games does not contribute to innovative advancements in technology.
3. Need for Purpose-driven Technology - The trend towards purpose-driven technology emphasizes the need for individuals to use their technological skills towards creating innovative solutions that benefit society.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry needs to focus on creating innovative solutions that benefit society and contribute to technological advancements.
2. Robotics - The robotics industry needs to focus on purpose-driven solutions that contribute to advancements in robotics while benefiting society.
3. Education - The education industry can promote purpose-driven technology by emphasizing the importance of using technology for the betterment of society in STEM fields.

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