Rockstar Cakes

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The Guitar Hero Concert Cake is Rock'n'roll-Licious

The only thing better than playing Rock Band is eating a Guitar Hero Concert Cake.

It seems that there are some truly devoted gamers out there, and this one in particular put all the effort into creating a truly delicious musical masterpiece. Unfortunately for you (and me) these are only pictures which means we will have to create our own Guitar Hero Concert Cake to eat.

Implications - One of the strongest ways a company or brand can interact with their customers is by allowing and encouraging fan-made products and holding submission competitions. By celebrating the way the consumer utilizes their products, the company makes it clear that they appreciate their consumers opinions, feelings, and likes.
Trend Themes
1. Fan-made Products - Companies can encourage their fans to create and submit fan-made products, promoting brand awareness and interaction with consumers.
2. Celebrating Consumer Creativity - Celebrating the way consumers utilize products shows appreciation towards their opinions, feelings and likes and can strengthen brand-consumer relationship.
3. Innovative Product Designs - Innovative product designs that take inspiration from consumers' interests and hobbies can potentially increase brand loyalty and attract new customers.
Industry Implications
1. Video Games - In the video game industry, companies can encourage fan-made products and submissions to promote consumer engagement and strengthen brand awareness.
2. Food and Beverage - In the food and beverage industry, companies can create unique and innovative product designs that take inspiration from consumer hobbies and interests, potentially increasing brand loyalty and attracting new customers.
3. Marketing and Advertising - In the marketing and advertising industry, companies can celebrate the creativity of consumers by incorporating user-generated content and fan-made products into their campaigns, increasing brand-consumer engagement and promoting brand awareness.

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