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Powerful Friendship Beer Commercials

This Guinness Advertisement is Heart-Warming and Compelling

This Guinness advertisement flips stereotypical beer commercials on its head.

While this ad has similar characteristics to other ones such as it's about socializing and people getting along, it takes a different and refreshing approach. This commercial begins with a group of friends who are all in wheelchairs playing basketball. At the beginning of the commercial and throughout the first bit, the audience is under the impression that these men have bonded over their injuries. However, at the end of the game, one of the men says, "you guys are getting better at this" and everyone but him stands up.

This advertisement shows the true bond of friendship and what lengths people will go for each other to show their loyalty and dedication to a friendship. At the end of the commercial the group head to a pub and drink Guinness beer. The commercial barely touches on the beer, but when it appears to be a beer commercial, it's showing that Guinness is for people who care about others.

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