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Guide To Unplugging Infographics

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This Guide Offers Simple, Practical Solutions to Plugging Out

If you're really serious about unplugging from the Internet for a while, the Sabbath Manifesto app, which informs anyone who texts or emails you about your sabbatical from technology, is one solution offered by the guide to unplugging infographic.

While some of the advice offered by Greatist are fairly common sense, unplugging to some can feel like quitting an addiction. Such is the inundation of social media and technology around us that we are rarely able to truly take a break, flex our creative muscles, spend time with family, friends, or ourselves, and even get a better night's sleep, since the bright radiating lights from our devices can disrupt our circadian rhythms, making it harder for us to shut down.

Some tips from the guide to unplugging infographic to consider may be to prohibit phones in and around the bed, designate a "shut off" time, taking a mini break outside once in a while, leaving all phones off the table and keeping phones out of sight to minimize distraction.

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