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Masculinely Represented Birth Controls

A 'Guy's Guide to Birth Control' Tells You to Remember Too

A 'guy's guide to birth control' is unfortunately not the male form of the contraceptive. However, it does explain birth control to men in a simple form so they understand how and why it works for women. The series is extremely entertaining and very factual. Guy Nottadadi is the star of the video and he cleverly expressed the fact that most men don't know enough about birth control.

Nottadadi goes about his daily routine focusing on "bro-friendly activities" like barbecuing and eating an enormous meal with lots of meat and junk food as a snack before dinner. Although he takes a humorous approach to the topic of fertility control, he does so in a very suitable manner. Not only is this a lesson for men but it is informative to all those women who may not know 100% how the pill works and why it is important to follow the instructions.

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