Gross World Records

Man Stuffs 11 Cockroaches in Mouth

What do you have to do to beat Travis Fessler’s new world record? Stuff 12 adult Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches into your mouth to top his effort of successfully squishing 11 of them into his.

Fessler held the 11 cockroaches--all a minimum length of 2-1/2 inches--in his mouth for the required 10 seconds. All the roaches survived the attempt, which is also a condition of qualifying for the Guinness World Record.

The 35-year-old Fessler from Kentucky has been raising hissing cockroaches for more than 3 years. The previous record, set by John LaMedica, was 9 cockroaches.

I'd rather have a shot at the jelly bean record!
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Challenges - Opportunity for businesses to create products or services that cater to individuals seeking to break extreme records or accomplish unusual feats.
2. Record-breaking Events - Opportunity to organize events or competitions centered around individuals attempting to break world records, attracting participants and spectators alike.
3. Unconventional World Records - Opportunity to explore and create new categories for unconventional world records, expanding the possibilities for record-breaking achievements.
Industry Implications
1. Event Management - Opportunity for event management companies to specialize in organizing and hosting record-breaking events and competitions.
2. Entertainment - Opportunity for entertainment industry to create reality TV shows or online platforms that showcase and document individuals attempting to break world records.
3. Product Design - Opportunity for product designers to create innovative devices or tools to aid individuals in their pursuit of breaking unconventional world records.

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