Social Synthesizer Videos

Grolsch Beer's YouTube Synthesizer Turns Viewers into Composers

In comparison to bigger beer brands, Grolsh can't solely rely on awareness to drive the sales of Grolsh beer—so what better way to drive interaction and engagement in an affordable way with social media?

Although posted to YouTube in the same way as millions of other videos, The Grolsch Synthesizer is not meant to be consumed in the same way as those before it. The video makes the most of a YouTube feature that allows users to skip ahead or go back to content in the video simply by pressing the number keys zero to nine. In this way, the beer brand describes it successfully created a "new web instrument to create or reproduce a huge variety of music tunes with your keyboard."

This isn't the first time Grolsh has embraced offbeat Internet marketing. Last year the beer brand released glass bottles with bottle caps that could be used to stream an online movie.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Youtube Videos - Leveraging interactive features on YouTube videos to drive engagement and create a unique user experience.
2. Brand-user Co-creation - Encouraging users to actively participate in creating and customizing content related to the brand.
3. Digital Marketing Innovations - Using unconventional online strategies to promote products and enhance brand visibility.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Exploring creative digital marketing tactics to boost sales and brand recognition for beverage companies.
2. Entertainment - Incorporating interactive elements in video content to captivate viewers and increase audience engagement.
3. Technology - Developing new digital instruments and platforms that combine technology and creativity for innovative marketing campaigns.

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