Gorgeous Gangster Getups

The GQ Style Italia SS 2011 Series is a Badass Dose of Dash

Think of this spread as a modern day 'The Outsiders,' where uber hip fashions and fearless photography meet to give you the 'White Gang Riot' featured in GQ Style Italia SS 2011. Models from Paolo Anchisi to Russell Giardina and Mitch Norris to name a few, work their badass attitudes to promote this summer's fashions.

With the magical eye of photographer Kai Z Feng and stylists Andrea Tenerani and Vilnius, this shoot's European flair is juxtaposed against a gangster-type appeal, where Louis Vuitton scarves add the right amount of sexy for this summer. There couldn't be any other way to promote this year's GQ Style Italia SS 2011 than in black and white photography, all to emphasize its artistic point of view with the most current fashions GQ has to offer.
Trend Themes
1. Gorgeous Gangster Style - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating bold, edgy fashion designs that blend European flair with gangster aesthetics.
2. White Gang Riot Shoot - Disruptive innovation opportunities in combining black and white photography with fashion photography to create impactful and artistic visuals.
3. Summer Fashion Promotions - Disruptive innovation opportunities in using provocative and stylish visuals to market and promote current fashion trends.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Disruptive innovation opportunities in designing bold and edgy fashion designs inspired by European gangster aesthetics.
2. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating impactful visuals through the fusion of black and white photography with fashion photography.
3. Fashion Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunities in using provocative visuals to market and promote summer fashion trends.

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