Unusual Celebrity Couple Photoshoots

This NBA Player and Australian Rapper Pose for GQ Magazine

The Nick Young and Iggy Azalea GQ photo shoot features the young power couple posing playfully. The unlikely Australian female rapper and NBA basketball player duo poses for GQ and talks about their new relationship. The couple says they met on Twitter through a tweet and couldn’t keep their hands off each other from the moment they met.

The GQ photo shoot features NBA Lakers player Nick Young aka. Swaggy P. caressing his voluptuous blonde Aussie rapper. The photos show a skin-baring Iggy Azalea. One of the shots even features the rapper completely naked in a transparent bathtub. However, her private parts are strategically covered and accompanying her is a fully clothed Nick Young. 

The curvaceous female rapper and the flamboyant-dressing NBA all star are an unlikely duo but oddly enough match one another perfectly. In the GQ interview video the couple shares that they have the same sense of humor and balance one another out. The beautiful couple poses for GQ Magazine, goofing around the entire time.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Power Couples - The trend of unlikely celebrity couples makes for unexpected and engaging brand collaborations.
2. Social Media Matchmaking - Social media platforms provide a unique way for brands to find popular influencers and build partnerships.
3. Body Positivity - Brands can tap into the trend of body positivity and inclusivity by showcasing diverse body types in their advertising campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can leverage the power of unlikely celebrity couples to showcase their clothing lines in a new and exciting way.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can tap into the trend of unexpected celebrity couples by producing content featuring these power duos.
3. Beauty - Beauty brands can use body-positive messaging to appeal to a wider audience and showcase their products in a more inclusive way.

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