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A New Theme is Being Tested on the Google Docs App

Google has been testing out its Material Theme, and recently it is being tested on the Google Docs app for some Android users. The Material Theme appears to be limited to a subsection of Android users.

The Docs version of the theme is missing a few features, including a blue bar at the top, the Google account switcher and the white theme which was on the entire Google Docs app. Google Sans is present throughout the app, and the app's menus got redesigned. The templates page was also changed, with the dark theme being changed for a white theme. However, most of the document editing features are unchanged.

This is the first app to get the redesign after the Google Drive app, which was updated a few months previously. The changes seem to be in a limited rollout, so no information is present on if this will become a full release.
Trend Themes
1. Material Theme Adoption - Google is testing its Material Theme on its Android-based Google Docs app, which could point to a broader adoption of the Theme across Google's app ecosystem.
2. Redesigned Templates Page - Google is redesigning the templates page in the Google Docs app, which could lead to an improved user experience.
3. Dark Theme to White Theme - There's a shift from a dark theme to a white one in the Google Docs app redesign.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Mobile app development companies can look into adopting Google's Material Theme as a way to spice up their app's user interface.
2. Office Software - Office software developers can look into redesigning their templates page and improving user experiences to stay competitive in the market.
3. UI/UX Design - UI/UX designers can explore creating white themes in mobile and web-based apps to stay up-to-date with the newest trend in UI design.

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