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Metal Sheet Goat Playgrounds

These Goats are Having a Blast Playing on This Sheet of Metal

These goats playing on a metal sheet seems to be having a lot of fun, but it also makes you wonder why they find it so amusing. Goats love to climbs things but this seems a little out of the ordinary, considering that the metal is not extremely sturdy.

In the video you see a herd of goats that are amused by a large metal sheet that is tall enough for them to climb on-top of. The metal sheet was flexible enough that it would send the goats sliding back. The goats playing is a hilarious and random video but definitely entertaining.

The best part of the video in my opinion is that there is a very large goat who seems to be guarding the metal sheet because it almost charges the smaller goats whenever they slide off the one side. I still can't seem to understand how they are able to stay up there while the metal sheet is moving back and forth.

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