Diabetes Managing Apps

The Glucose Buddy App Helps Individuals Track Their Blood Sugar Levels

Glucose Buddy is a handy iOS and Google Android application that helps individual manage their blood sugar levels in regards to a Diabetic condition. Largely a data storage utility, Glucose Buddy allows one to log, track and chart their blood sugar levels, blood pressure, insulin dosages and carbohydrate intake at meals.

While it may seem simple to someone not managing a Diabetic condition, the logging of such data is central to keeping Diabetes under control and streamlining the process can do a lot to improve the quality of daily life for individuals who are coping.

Self-diagnostic, disease-specific apps such as Glucose Buddy are an encouraging intersection of healthcare, mobile technology and customized management techniques that can help individuals live life to the fullest.
Trend Themes
1. Disease Management Apps - Customised self-diagnostic apps can improve quality-of-life management for individuals coping with chronic conditions.
2. Personal Health Tracking - Data storage utilities can help individuals track and chart their blood sugar levels, blood pressure and insulin dosages, among other health concerns.
3. Mobile Healthcare Technology - Apps like Glucose Buddy are an example of technology intersecting healthcare in a way that has the potential to revolutionize personalized healthcare management plans.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Hospitals and healthcare practitioners can leverage apps for customized patient monitoring, data processing, and improved patient outcomes.
2. Mobile App Development - There is a unique opportunity for mobile app developers to create customized apps that cater to the specific needs of certain communities, such as individuals living with diabetes.
3. Data Processing & Analytics - Apps that manage chronic conditions require a range of features such as data storage, custom alerts, and analytics that can be leveraged for software companies focusing on healthcare data management.

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