Gender Juxtaposition Graphs

The 'Girls are Smarter than Boys' Infographic Has a Clear Message

The 'Girls are Smarter than Boys' Infographic proves once and for all that indeed females trump males when it comes to intelligence.

At a young age girls have a slightly higher IQ than boys, take more math and science classes and even get better grades overall. However, as women get older they begin to develop more self-esteem issues which leads to a decrease in their abilities. There confidence only drops more as they go on to college and university so only a small percentage of women end up doing degrees in math or science. In the end, the field of engineering is dominated by men. In a room of 25 engineers, only three would be women.

Women should remember that they're smarter than men and should keep confidence in their abilities.
Trend Themes
1. Gender Equality in Education - Opportunity to address the gender disparity in math and science education to empower girls and encourage their pursuit of STEM fields.
2. Promoting Female Confidence - Opportunity to develop programs and initiatives to boost self-esteem and confidence in girls and women to counteract the decline in abilities and aspirations.
3. Increasing Women in Engineering - Opportunity to create inclusive environments, mentorship programs, and support networks to attract and retain more women in the field of engineering.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Opportunity for educational institutions and organizations to revise curriculum, teaching methodologies, and career guidance to promote gender equality in math and science education.
2. Personal Development - Opportunity for personal development industry to create tools, workshops, and resources that focus on building confidence and self-esteem in girls and women.
3. Engineering - Opportunity for engineering companies and organizations to implement diversity and inclusion strategies, mentorship programs, and networking initiatives to increase female representation in the field.

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