Improved Sleep Charts

This Infographic Suggests Recommendations for Getting Better Sleep

If getting a better sleep is important to you right now, this infographic has lots of tips that can help you out. From website Greatist and mattress company Reverie, 'The Secret to Better Sleep' covers everything from sleep-related disorders to foods that cause insomnia.

When people don't get enough sleep, their reaction times get slower as their blood pressure rises, the risk of obesity and diabetes increases and they eat more. On the other hand, having a good night's rest decreases stress, helps with weight loss, improves memory, prevents depression, promotes quicker healing and reduces inflammation. The infographic offers eight tips for getting better sleep, including not sleeping with electronics in your room and winding down without screens in general. Writing in a journal can also help clear your mind.
Trend Themes
1. Sleep Quality Tracking - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a mobile app or wearable device that accurately tracks sleep patterns and provides personalized recommendations for better sleep.
2. Sleep-friendly Technologies - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design innovative sleep-friendly products such as smart mattresses, noise-canceling sleep headphones, or blue light filtering glasses.
3. Sleep Coaching Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create online platforms or virtual sleep coaching programs to provide personalized sleep advice and strategies for better sleep.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate sleep tracking and improvement technologies into existing wearable devices or create new sleep-specific wearable devices.
2. Health and Wellness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new sleep-related products, services, and treatments to address sleep disorders and improve overall sleep quality.
3. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with sleep experts to produce consumer electronic products that promote healthy sleep habits, such as sleep-friendly smartphones or smart home devices.

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