Non-Binary Tech Voices

Virtue Creates 'Q' — the First Genderless Voice for Smart Technology

'Q' is a genderless voice that fits the category of 'Siri' and 'Alexa.' Conceptualized by Vice's creative agency — Virtue, the tech endeavor is a direct response of the movement toward equality on a non-gender binary level. It also seeks to raise awareness and confront social bias. As Apple, Amazon, and Google release assistants that are coded female in respect to their default voices, 'Q' is a testimony of the strong tide that is shaping contemporary society.

'Q' is in the beginning stages of development. Although the genderless voice does "fulfills the qualities of existing virtual assistants" in the sense that it is warm and helpful, Virtue's creation has not yet been integrated with AI to perform tasks.
To develop the genderless voice, Virtue partnered with Copenhagen Pride and composed 'Q' by layering five voices of individuals who identify as neither male or female.
Trend Themes
1. Non-binary Voice Assistants - The development of 'Q' showcases the increasing demand for non-gender binary voices in the world of smart technology.
2. Inclusive Tech Solutions - The creation of 'Q' highlights the potential for developing more inclusive tech solutions for underrepresented groups.
3. Diversity in Virtual Assistants - The push for non-binary voices in virtual assistants demonstrates a growing trend towards diversity and representation in technology.
Industry Implications
1. Tech - The creation of 'Q' opens opportunities for tech companies to integrate more inclusive technology into their products.
2. Advertising - Virtue's creation of 'Q' demonstrates the benefits of using innovative and inclusive advertising to promote social change.
3. Advocacy Groups - The partnership between Virtue and Copenhagen Pride highlights a potential opportunity for advocacy groups to collaborate with technology companies to promote equality and diversity.

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