Viral Family Dance Duos

The Gangnam Style Mom Video is Hilarious and Well-Executed

This Gangnam Style Mom video is amazing. Gangnam Style became so popular on the Internet, it was only a matter of time until parody videos would be released.

In case you're not yet aware of what Gangnam Style is, it is the name of a song by Korean Pop star Psy. His wildly funny music video featured an extravagant cast dancing together. Psy's video quickly became viral, and since then it has appeared on SNL, the Ellen Show and more.

This video, however, features an adorable mother and son duo as they perform a choreographed routine in their living room. The mother executes the moves with such grace that it's hard to believe someone's mom would agreed to do this. Good for her!
Trend Themes
1. Family Dance Videos - The rise in popularity of family dance videos on social media presents an opportunity for businesses to create family-friendly content that engages with diverse audiences.
2. Gangnam Style Parodies - The continued popularity of Gangnam Style parodies and remixes creates an opportunity for companies to leverage the existing hype and create their own viral content to reach various target markets.
3. Personalized Video Content - Incorporating personalized video content into marketing campaigns can create a greater sense of relatability and authenticity, making it easier to connect with audiences on a deeper level.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can capitalize on the ongoing trend of family dance videos by producing content that incorporates unique, relatable and fun concepts.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Businesses in the marketing and advertising industry can incorporate viral dance videos into their campaigns to help build brand awareness and increase engagement across multiple channels.
3. Technology - Social media companies and other technology innovators can focus on developing features that enable users to create and share their personalized dance videos while keeping them entertained and engaged.

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