Fresh Cuisine-Combining Sandwiches

SUBWAY Restaurant Offers Game Day Snacks That Aren't Fried

A survey indicates 59% of Canadians prefer fresh over fried food, which is especially relevant when you are trying to plan game day snacks leading up to the Super Bowl. Trend Hunter recently chatted with SUBWAY Corporate Executive Chef Chris Martone about how sandwiches are a great option regardless of the event (although it's also worth noting 55% want sandwiches as game day snacks).

Martone explains how inspiration can be drawn from different cultures, whether you are travelling and experiencing it in person or drooling over the latest food-based television program. He enjoys the challenge of making new flavors fit with SUBWAY bread and make it operationally friendly. He believes innovation is about pushing the boundaries by mixing flavors and cuisines, as seen with the Montreal Smoked Meat or Chicken Cordon Bleu Melt sandwiches.
Trend Themes
1. Fresh Snacks - Incorporate fresh ingredients into game day snacks to cater to the 59% of Canadians who prefer fresh over fried food, creating opportunities for innovative snacks.
2. Global Fusion - Blend different cuisines and cultures into sandwich fillings, like the Montreal Smoked Meat or Chicken Cordon Bleu Melt, to cater to diverse tastes and create new flavor experiences.
3. Innovative Sandwiches - Experiment with new flavors and ingredients to push the boundaries of traditional sandwich menus, offering consumers new and exciting choices for different events.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains can introduce fresh and globally-inspired sandwiches to cater to diverse tastes and preferences, expanding their customer base and driving growth through innovation.
2. Catering - Catering companies can offer innovative sandwich platters as game day snacks, incorporating fresh ingredients and global flavors to appeal to diverse event attendees.
3. Food TV - Food TV programming can feature new and innovative sandwich creations, inspiring viewers to experiment with different flavors and ingredients in their own cooking and meal prep experiences.

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