Fence Twitter Accounts

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The G20 Fence Twitter Handle is Loaded with Sarcasm

The Toronto G20 fence Twitter handle (@G20Fence) sprung up on June 23rd, just days before the actual G20 Summit. With the media comparing the Toronto G20 summit to 'Torontanamo Bay' and 'Fortress Toronto,' this is the newest scheme to poke fun at the meeting that has taken over downtown Toronto.

Check out the gallery for some funny and sarcasm-laden tweets form the G20 fence Twitter handle.

Implications - Sarcasm is a technique that continues to be favored by consumers who can appreciate elevated humor within product branding and marketing campaigns. The use of humor that requires some degree of advanced thought is an excellent way for businesses to embrace humor and give off an aura of sophistication.
Trend Themes
1. Sarcastic Branding - Opportunity for businesses to embrace humor and give off an aura of sophistication in their branding and marketing campaigns through the use of advanced humor techniques like sarcasm.
2. Satirical Social Media Accounts - Opportunity for businesses to engage with audiences through the use of satirical social media accounts that add an element of humor and entertainment.
3. Humor in Product Design - Opportunity for businesses to incorporate humor in product design to create unique and memorable products that stand out in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Humor and sarcasm can be utilized as effective tools in marketing and advertising campaigns to engage audiences and create brand loyalty.
2. Social Media - Satirical social media accounts can be utilized to build brand awareness and engage with audiences on social media platforms.
3. Product Design - Humor can be incorporated into product design to create unique and memorable products that stand out in the market and increase brand loyalty.

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