Glow-Boosting Functional Beverages

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Dune's Functional Elixirs Nourish Skin from the Inside Out

Dune makes functional elixirs with ingredients that support the skin's radiance from the inside out. Bliss, Dewy and Boost are three beverages offered by the brand and they are packed with superfoods and antioxidants for inner health and outer beauty.

Each sophisticated flavor shares a different functional benefit and in the case of Boost, it's an immune remedy made with some of the world's most potent superfruits, pomegranate and acai. Bliss is a drinkable stress remedy that taps into the immense benefits of turmeric, coconut water and black pepper, while Dewy provides a dose of hydration with vitamin-rich aloe, prickly pear and marine collagen from fish.

The all-natural beverages are free from artificial additions and as such, they are meant to be refrigerated and consumed within five days of opening.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Superfood Beverages - Innovative beverage companies are incorporating potent superfoods into their drink formulations to target multiple aspects of health and wellness.
2. Inner Beauty and Wellness - Consumers are increasingly embracing a holistic approach to beauty, focusing not just on external products but also their inner health, opening opportunities for functional food and beverage companies.
3. Eco-friendly Packaging Solutions - As sustainability becomes a global concern, beverage packaging companies have the opportunity to innovate and create eco-friendly packaging materials for niche functional and wellness beverages.
Industry Implications
1. Nutraceuticals and Supplements - Companies can cater to an interested market by enhancing their product formulations, combining functional benefits, and cosmetic applications within a single offering.
2. Beverage Manufacturing - Innovative beverage manufacturers have the opportunity to collaborate with functional ingredient suppliers and wellness brands, expanding production capabilities for such niche markets.
3. Health and Wellness Marketing - There is significant opportunity for marketing agencies to specialize in the health and wellness sector, capturing the unique brand stories of these functional and innovative products to differentiate in the market.

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