Floating Frog Safety Platforms

The 'Frog Log' Helps Amphibians Reach Safety When in the Pool

Frogs that jump intentionally or accidentally into a pool will often find it difficult or impossible to get out which subsequently leaves them in a precarious situation, so the 'Frog Log' is intended to offer them a way to get out. Designed to float in your pool and hang onto the side, the device works to provide a way to frogs to reach dry land and easily hop out when they are done going for a dip. This prevents them from contaminating pool water with bacteria and stopping them from drowning when they are unable to hop out to dry land.

The 'Frog Log' incorporates a weight to keep itself in place and can be left in the pool at all hours to help offer refuge for stranded frogs.
Trend Themes
1. Amphibian Rescue Devices - Opportunities for companies to design and create devices to rescue amphibians who accidentally fall into pools.
2. Eco-friendly Pool Accessories - Opportunities for eco-friendly pool accessory companies to create devices that support and protect the natural environment.
3. Animal Rescue Innovation - Opportunities for companies to create innovative and sustainable solutions to protect animals from human-created hazards.
Industry Implications
1. Swimming Pool and Spa Industry - The swimming pool and spa industry can create and market products to protect animals from drowning and contamination.
2. Wildlife Conservation Industry - Companies in the wildlife conservation industry can design and implement innovative solutions that help protect animals in urban settings.
3. Environmental Technology Industry - Opportunities for the environmental technology industry to create sustainable solutions that protect animals and the environment from human-created hazards.

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