Derelict Architecture Photography

The Forgotten Heritage Series by Matthew Emmett Portrays a Void

Photographer Matthew Emmett scours Europe in search of decrepit abandoned places for his fascinating photo series, Forgotten Heritage. The series ranges a variety of buildings and locations that have either succumbed to the elements, overrun with lush greenery, or resemble machine graveyards.

The Forgotten Heritage series cultivates many emotions in the viewer, the most obvious of which a commentary on the fragile relationship between humans and nature.

While many online communities cater to the photographer with an eye for derelict buildings, allowing for photographers to collaborate on their favorite abandoned locations, Emmett takes it a step further by creating images that spark the imagination and invite the viewer to envision their own stories to match the images.
Trend Themes
1. Abandoned Architecture Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture striking imagery of forgotten and decaying structures.
2. Exploration Tourism - Potential for tourism industry to offer guided tours and experiences of abandoned and forgotten locations.
3. Sustainable Preservation - Chance for preservation societies or startups to find new ways to repurpose abandoned or neglected buildings.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to specialize in abandoned or decaying architecture.
2. Tourism - Potential for tourism industry to cater to those interested in exploring abandoned locations.
3. Preservation - Opportunity for preservation societies or startups to repurpose abandoned or neglected buildings for sustainable use.

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