Senior Influenza PSAs

The 'Flu + You' Program Reminds the Elderly to Get Their Annual Shots

As it stands, there are currently more than 45 million people in the United States who are over the age of 65—and as the season for cold and sickness approaches, the National Council on Aging is appealing to them with the 'Flu + You' campaign.

The PSA features ambassador and Broadway star Judith Light starring in a theatrical commercial that warns the elderly of the risks of catching influenza, especially as the immune system becomes weaker with age. There is an emphasis on those with chronic health conditions to get their flu shot, particularly those who suffer from diabetes or heart disease.

Through the Nation Council on Aging's website, the public has access to resources like facts on the flu, resources for fighting it, survey data, as well as upcoming Flu + You events across the United States.
Trend Themes
1. Elderly Healthcare Awareness - Creating health awareness campaigns targeting the elderly population can help promote healthy living and increase demand for healthcare services.
2. PSA Marketing - Utilizing celebrity spokespeople in public service announcement marketing campaigns can help raise public awareness on important healthcare issues.
3. Digital Health Resources - Creating online healthcare resources, such as the 'Flu + You' program website, can provide valuable information and resources to the public on health issues.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can take advantage of increased demand for healthcare services by providing specialized care to the elderly population.
2. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can create more public service announcement campaigns to raise awareness on important health issues, potentially increasing demand for healthcare products and services.
3. Technology and Software - The technology and software industry can develop more healthcare information resources and technological advancements to further digitize and improve healthcare services for the public.

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