Fat Male Cheerleaders

Florida Marlins Cast Manatees

When you think cheerleader, you've probably got an image of some young, toned, big-boobed, prancing girls with way too much pep than a normal human could exert when flailing pom-poms, right? Well, the Marlins are looking to change that stereotype.

On February 24, they're casting a team of plus-size males to cheer for their football games. The Marlins plan on "capitalizing on Americans' expanding waistlines," Yahoo news said.

They'll be called the Manatees; yes, named after the bluberous "sea cows," and will cheer on Friday and Saturday home games. For every other game they'll still be using their sexier Mermaids.

Since 2003, the Chicago Bulls have had a cheering team called the Matadors which also consists of overweight men. A photo of the group is seen in the gallery.
Trend Themes
1. Diversity-in-representation - More and more companies are diversifying their representation, including individuals of different body types and sizes, which is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the fashion and entertainment industries.
2. Body-acceptance-movement - The body acceptance movement has been growing and gaining more traction, representing a potential opportunity for innovative new products and services that cater to individuals of all shapes and sizes, including clothing and fitness products.
3. Humorous-marketing-approach - Humorous marketing approaches represent an opportunity for companies to create standout campaigns that capture consumer attention, including in the entertainment industry and among sports teams.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - There are opportunities for fashion companies to embrace more diverse models and body sizes, representing a potential avenue for disruptive innovation in the industry.
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can capitalize on the body acceptance movement and create more inclusive programming, content, and movies that feature diverse casts and actors of different body types and sizes.
3. Sports - Sports teams can adopt marketing strategies that embrace humor and diversity in representation, which could appeal to younger and more diverse sports fans, ultimately leading to a unique opportunity in disruptive innovation.

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