Charitable Kaleidoscopic Instruments

Flea x Damien Hirst Bass Guitar is Sold for a Great Cause

Put one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers with one of the most famous artists of all time, and you get the Flea x Damien Hirst Bass Guitar.

The actual name of the Flea x Damien Hirst Bass Guitar is the Multi-Coloured Deluxe Spin Bass Guitar. Each instrument has been decorated with a mosaic of vibrant colors that brings a psychedelic effect. These were designed by both artists and features their logo on the headstock, an edition number on the base of the neck and their signatures on the back of the body. Purchasers will also receive a specially designed case, an exquisite corpse drawing, a framed monochrome butterfly gloss on canvas, a photo of both artists and 20 specially designed picks.

Only 50 of these bass guitars are produced. All proceeds will go to Flea's Silverlake Conservatory of Music that helps youth enrich their lives through sound.
Trend Themes
1. Artistic Musical Instruments - Collaborations between famous artists and musicians can create opportunities for unique and artistic musical instruments.
2. Limited Edition Collectibles - Creating limited edition collectible items, like these bass guitars, can generate excitement and drive sales while supporting a charitable cause.
3. Charitable Art Projects - Collaborating with charities and artists on projects like this can benefit both customers and the causes they care about.
Industry Implications
1. Musical Instruments Manufacturing - Manufacturing unique, limited edition musical instruments can appeal to collectors and enthusiasts while generating funds for charitable causes.
2. Art and Design - Collaborating with famous musicians can be a new opportunity for artists and designers to expand their customer base and create unique and artistic pieces.
3. Charity Fundraising - Artistic collaborations like this can be used to raise funds for charitable causes and create a connection to supporters through unique, limited edition items.

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