Decaying Pier Photography

Finn Hopson Documents the Gradual Deterioration of Brighton's West Pier

Finn Hopson's latest series, 'The End of the Pier' chronicles the slow decay of Brighton's West Pier against the beautiful horizon. Hopson, who has been photographing the pier for the past two years, plans to continue the project until, one day, the structure is inevitably engulfed by water.

Currently, the series is comprised of twelve photos in which the disintegration of the pier is clearly visible. Hopson climbed into the water during the low tide in order to achieve the perfect perspective. The talented photographer used exposures ranging from 30 seconds to four minutes, capturing a complementary balance of all the elements within the photo; water, sky and pier.

Hopson admits the series began on accident, saying, "I had no intention of starting a project, I just wanted to get an interesting image once the ballroom section had been taken away. [...] After a few attempts it became a moderate obsession and now I feel kind of obliged to keep at it."
Trend Themes
1. Documenting Decay Photography - Opportunity for businesses to offer services in documenting and preserving the gradual decay of infrastructure or historical landmarks.
2. Long Exposure Photography - Opportunity for camera and photography equipment companies to innovate and develop technology to enhance long exposure photography.
3. Environmental Photography - Opportunity for businesses to create awareness about environmental issues through photography and art.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Opportunity for tourism businesses to offer photography tours to document and admire the beauty of landmarks and structures in natural decay.
2. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate businesses to offer photography services to document and chart the decay or progress of a construction over extended periods of time.
3. Art and Design - Opportunity for art and design businesses to use environmental photography to create awareness of regeneration projects and sustainability initiatives.

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