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Finger-Based Memory Sticks

The 'inTouch' Technology Converts Your Finger Into a USB Stick

Finland based VTT Research Center has recently developed a transferring chip that converts your own fingers into a USB stick. Gone are the days of having to go through your smartphone, tablet, digital camera and laptop, just to transfer data in between devices such as pictures, documents, phone contacts and videos.

Introducing 'inTouch,' a technology enabled interaction between electronic devices using a wristband, a ring or even a fingernail (a small chip lodged in an artificial nail) to transfer data. To function, the system requires the electronic devices to have a special antenna that emits energy to power the various inTouch devices.

Dr. Mäntyjärvi, head of research at the Smart Interaction Solutions lab at VTT sees this innovation as a potentially powerful invention and can expand into a variety of applications in the future besides file sharing. The ring acts as a password or a lock that can unlock things like your car door. The bracelet could potentially be used as a form of identification.

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