Caffeinated City Maps

Butterfruit Labs Edited the Subway Map to Find the Best Coffee in NYC

Like a lot of people, Butterfruit Labs is an app developer, that like a lot of people, that finds its work is better when it's fuelled by coffee. Two of its developers recently spent some time in NYC and of course, found themselves drinking lots of coffee there.

The NYC Best Coffee map by Butterfruit Labs edits the familiar New York City subway map to include coffee shops that can easily be reached at each stop. The coffee shops that were chosen for this map include charming local cafes and even some larger coffee chains, based off of the coffee shop's equipment, bean types, proximity to subway stops and of course, reviews from people. The remixed subway map is what the city must look like in the eyes of a serious coffee connoisseur.
Trend Themes
1. Hyperlocalized Maps - Developing maps that show specific information for a location can revolutionize the way people find new products and services in their area.
2. Location-based Recommendation Apps - Combining location data with user reviews and ratings can provide more accurate and personalized recommendations for local businesses.
3. Collaborative Content Creation - Creating user-sourced content, such as reviews and ratings, can help businesses curate a more personalized and engaging user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Using hyperlocalized maps and location-based recommendation apps can help hotels and resorts provide guests with personalized recommendations for nearby businesses.
2. Retail - Hyperlocalized maps and collaborative content creation can help retailers showcase their inventory and recommendations to customers in their local area.
3. Tourism - Hyperlocalized maps that highlight tourist destinations and location-based recommendation apps that provide personalized recommendations can help tourism businesses attract more visitors.

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