Quirky Father's Day Cards

Surprise Your Dad with an Awesome Card from Hooray Today

Father's Day cards always seem to get ignored. For our moms we usually go all out, with flowers and presents and dinner. For dad, it's like a hug and maybe lunch if he's paying.

So why not give your dad some love this year and treat him to both an awesome present and a cool Father's Day card he can put on his side of the dresser -- moms side is already full with cards for every occasion.

If your dad has an eye for design or likes funky illustrated works, then make sure to pick his card from this collection of fun Father's Day cards to make his day. The new 'Hooray Today' store on Etsy features colorful greeting cards and paper goods by illustrators Alyssa Nassner and Allison Beck.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Father's Day Cards - Opportunity for customizable cards that reflect each dad's unique interests and personality.
2. Eco-friendly Father's Day Cards - Potential for cards made from recycled materials to appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.
3. Interactive Father's Day Cards - Innovation in cards that incorporate interactive elements, such as sound or augmented reality, for an engaging experience.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - Disruptive potential in online platforms that offer a wide variety of unique and personalized Father's Day cards.
2. Printing and Stationery - Opportunity for companies to create eco-friendly cards using sustainable materials and printing techniques.
3. Technology/ar - Innovation in the greeting card industry through the integration of interactive elements using augmented reality technology.

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