Family Morning Guides

This Infographic Shares Tips on Getting a Busy Family Ready

United Kingdom-based company 'Dreams' created this family morning chart that aims to help busy families get ready and out the door on time in the mornings. The infographic depicts traditional topics such as how much sleep is required for each member of the family.

The family morning guide titled 'The Morning Routine Cheat Sheet for Busy Families' provides tips and tricks to make daily tasks run smoothly. With large families, it can be difficult to get ready, eat breakfast and shower in time while avoiding being late for work and school. Some of the most useful tips in this guide include creating family-oriented checklists and placing them in obvious spots around the house. This will encourage people to complete relevant tasks like shaving and brushing teeth by simply checking the box.

This chart points out the most important tasks of one's morning routine and allows families to eliminate meaningless or time consuming activities that contribute to lateness or a morning rush.
Trend Themes
1. Family Morning Management - Opportunity to create innovative products or services that help families optimize their morning routines and reduce morning stress.
2. Checklist Technology - Opportunity to develop innovative checklist systems or mobile apps that assist families in tracking their morning tasks and make the process more seamless.
3. Personalized Sleep Services - Opportunity for the development of new personalized sleep aid products or services that cater to different age groups within the family.
Industry Implications
1. Home Goods - Opportunity for the home goods industries to create new home decor products that cater to the needs of busy families, including checklist boards and home organizational systems.
2. Technology - Opportunity for the tech industry to develop smart home devices that automate and streamline morning routines, such as alarm clocks that detect when a person is awake and begin coffee brewing.
3. Personal Care - Opportunity for the personal care industry to develop tailored products that help individuals and family members to get restful nights of sleep, such as sleep monitoring devices and natural remedies.

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