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Audio Print Ads

The F/Nazca Playboy Issue Fuses Publishing with Sound

To promote a music festival in Brazil, the F/Nazca Playboy issue published the first ever audio print ad. By plugging in headphones, buyers of the magazine are able to listen to the ad for the festival.

The inventive ad by F/Nazca agency is great to get the public pumped-up about the upcoming music festival. The audio message is whispered sensually by a young woman, which will most likely make any music-loving Playboy enthusiast want to attend. It is unknown whether or not Playboy playmates will actually be at the festival, but at least subscribers to the magazine are able to hear a seductive voice when plugging in headphones. This F/Nazca Playboy issue is a great example of how to fuse two different mediums into one effective advertisement.

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