Experimental Face Paint Portraits

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The Experiments Series Explores the Concept of Identity

Photographer Andy Lo Po and English art director Gem Fletcher recently released the Experiments series, which explores the concept of identity. For many photographers, makeup is a useful way to transform models into different characters. This series goes beyond makeup in order to convey the idea of a second skin in a striking new way,

The Experiments series explores the concept of identity through the use of abstract masks. In each image, the model is covered with a different artifice that conveys the idea of a second skin. Instead of only relying on makeup, Po and Fletcher also used unexpected materials such as paint and collage. The result is a series of stunning portraits that convey the abstract notion of performing a different identity.
Trend Themes
1. Identity-exploring Photography - Photographers can experiment using abstract masks and unexpected materials to convey alternative identities in their portraits.
2. Second Skin Imagery - Artists can explore the idea of using artifice to create a second layer on models using a range of materials beyond just makeup.
3. Abstract Portraiture - Artistic photographers can create unique and abstract images by going beyond traditional mediums in their portraiture.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photographers can create unique and compelling portraits by exploring alternative ways of depicting identity through their work.
2. Art Direction - Art directors can inspire photographers to think outside the box when working with models to explore alternative ways of depicting identity.
3. Makeup and Cosmetics - Makeup artists and cosmetics companies can experiment with using painted masks and unconventional materials beyond traditional makeup to create unique looks.

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