Tacks on Toilets

Evoking Curiosity by Placing Strange Objects 'In A Public Space'

‘In A Public Space’ is my new web hero. The premise is to basically leave things in public spaces to provoke reactions. Photographs of these pieces of ‘art’ are then taken and uploaded onto the site. The site is still fairly new, but is growing and such a clever idea that it is bound to take off... at least I hope so.

The relationship between where the objects are left and what they are is simply really darn clever, and the art and creativity behind each project is amazing.

Drawing pins on a toilet seat, a megaphone in a library, monopoly money on a public washing machine… these are just some of the things featured. There is a Lego man on a toilet in a toilet, and rather brilliantly, an empty bottle of JD was photographed in a hospital waiting room, and an air crash book in a waiting room. Now that last one would freak me out!
Trend Themes
1. Public Space Provocations - New web hero In A Public Space evokes curiosity by placing strange objects in public spaces
2. Creative Art Installations - In A Public Space project showcases clever and creative art installations with everyday objects
3. Unconventional Marketing Techniques - The use of surprise objects in public spaces may offer new opportunities for unconventional marketing techniques
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - In A Public Space reflects creative innovations and may open new opportunities for art and design industries
2. Advertising and Marketing - The use of surprise objects in public spaces in marketing campaigns or advertisements may be an innovative opportunity for advertising and marketing industries
3. Retail and Branding - Surprise installations in public spaces may offer new ideas for retail store branding and interior design

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