Everything Bagel-Flavored Sandwiches

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Firehouse Subs' New Everything Hook & Ladder Sandwich is Here

If you're a fan of everything bagels, you'll definitely want to try Firehouse Subs' new Everything Hook & Ladder sub.

The new Everything Hook & Ladder sub takes all the salty and savory flavors of an everything bagel, and loads it up with tons of veggies, meat, and cheese. With each sandwich, you'll get hot smoked turkey breast, Virginia Honey ham, Monterey Jack cheese, lettuce, sliced tomatoes, onions, and a scoop of deli mustard. The whole thing is served on a new everything bagel-seasoned sub roll with Philadelphia Cream Cheese. And just like the bagels that inspired it, the new everything bagel roll features sesame seeds, poppy seeds, garlic, onion, and salt, baked right into the dough.
Trend Themes
1. Everything Bagel Seasoning - Other fast food chains can incorporate the popular everything bagel seasoning into their sandwiches and menu offerings.
2. Gourmet Fast Food - Fast food restaurants can offer more elevated and flavorful options to attract customers looking for a quick and tasty meal.
3. Premium Sandwiches - More sandwich shops and restaurant chains can develop premium sandwich options to cater to the growing demand for gourmet and high-quality ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains can incorporate the everything bagel seasoning trend into their menu items to offer more flavorful options.
2. Sandwich Shops - Sandwich shops can develop their own versions of everything bagel-flavored sandwiches to tap into the popularity of this trend.
3. Grocery Stores - Grocery stores can offer everything bagel seasoning as well as everything bagel-flavored bread, rolls, and other baked goods to consumers looking to recreate these flavors at home.

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