Python-Topped Pizzas

The Everglades Pie is Topped with Animals Found in Florida's Swamps

Those who consider themselves adventurous eaters will want to put the Everglades Pie on their to-eat list. This uniquely Floridian pizza is topped with meat you normally wouldn't find outside of a swamp. The pizza includes frog legs, python meat, hog and alligator meat. Some pizzas may include one or two of those ingredients, but finding python meat on any menu seems like a bit of a stretch.

The Everglades Pie was concocted by Evan's Neighborhood Pizza in Fort Myers, Florida. According to owner Evan Daniell, about 150 Everglades Pies have been sold since the pizza debuted two years ago. The pizza is priced at $45 for a 14-inch medium, with the high price due in part to the fact that python meat sells for $66 a pound.
Trend Themes
1. Exotic Meat Cuisine - Restaurants are exploring unique meats and ingredients to create new culinary experiences.
2. Locally Sourced Ingredients - Restaurants are sourcing ingredients locally to provide customers with authentic regional cuisine experiences.
3. Sustainable Food Systems - Restaurants are exploring the use of more sustainable food sources and practices to reduce their environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurants - Restaurants are experimenting with unique ingredients, sourcing locally, and exploring sustainable food systems to differentiate themselves and provide customers with new culinary experiences.
2. Meat Industry - The use of exotic meat sources, such as python and alligator, provides new opportunities for meat producers to expand their product lines and reach new customers looking for unique culinary experiences.
3. Tourism Industry - Restaurants and local food experiences that highlight regional cuisine and unique ingredients, like the Everglades Pie, can attract adventurous tourists looking for new and exciting experiences in their travels.

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