Connected Concert Wristbands

'Pouch' Event Wristbands Act as a Digital Ticket and a Wallet

Developed as an effective means of making concert-going more streamlined, 'Pouch' event wristbands operate as a digital ticket, a digital wallet and a way to prevent fraud.

'Pouch' wristbands work by being purchased by guests online and connected to their credit card in order for them to make purchases once they arrive at the event. The wristband is shipped directly to the attendee and created just for them in order to eliminate concerns for fraud and increase their feeling of freedom while attending the event.

The 'Pouch' event wristbands work great on the consumer end, but also aid brands and businesses by making event and guest management smarter. It acts as a great way to control lineups, make spending money simpler and an efficient means to controlling fraud.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Event Wristbands - Opportunities for companies to develop similar wristbands for other events and venues.
2. Digital Payment - Disruptive opportunities for companies to create innovative digital payment methods that enhance convenience and safety.
3. Smart Event Management - Opportunities to innovate event management software and hardware for improved efficiency and security.
Industry Implications
1. Concerts and Festivals - Companies within this industry can adopt connected event wristbands for safety and convenience of guests.
2. Sports Events - Connected wristbands can be used by the sports event industry for streamlined entry, ticketing, and payment systems.
3. Theme Parks and Attractions - Opportunities for park visitors to have a digital wristband for ticketing, purchasing, and park navigation to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.

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