Circular Knit Seating Systems

Erez Mor Designs the Bubble Seating Systems full of Soft Spheres

Erez Mor introduces the Bubbles soft seating system full of cozy modular seats comprised of a unit of balls. The knit spheres come in a range of different colors and sizes to allow users to customize additional units with a base of three. The inspiration for the series is drawn from ball pits. As it moves around, the seating position changes along with the body to sit up or recline. The bubbles are knitted by hand using two different techniques -- stockinette and rib stitching.

Every modular seating unit comes in a different color for users to customize each hue and mix them up as they please. The main goal of this seating system is to allow users to create their own personal seating assembly. The materials used include polyester yarns, conferral fiber filling, and lycra fabric, connected using a flexible polyurethane rubber.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Seating Systems - The trend of providing customizable and modular seating systems to customers.
2. Hand-knitted Furniture - The trend of producing hand-knitted furniture using different techniques like stockinette and rib stitching.
3. Inspired by Play-pits - Designing furniture that is inspired by play-pits like ball pits.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Designing and producing hand-knitted modular furniture that enables personalization and customization.
2. Textiles - Using polyester yarns, lycra fabric, and flexible polyurethane rubber in the production of hand-knitted furniture.
3. Interior Design - Incorporating playful design elements like ball-pits and modular seating into interior spaces.

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